inner page
- List of Rejected Applications for the Post of District Judge against Advt. No. 01/2024/Apptt.
- Notice regarding Examination of District Judges (Advt. No. 01/2024/Appt.)
- Final Result for the post of ‘Cook’ of the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi under Advt. No. 02/Stha./2023
- शुद्धिपत्र (Corrigendum): विज्ञापन संख्या:- 02/स्थापना/2023 के तहत चपरासी, सफाईकर्मी एवं फरास के पदों के लिए साक्षात्कार हेतु संक्षिप्त सूची के संबंध में।
- चपरासी के पद के लिए अस्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची (विज्ञापन संख्याः 02/ स्थापना/ 2023)
- सफाईकर्मी के पद के लिए अस्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची (विज्ञापन संख्याः 02 / स्थापना / 2023)
- फरास के पद के लिए अस्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची (विज्ञापन संख्याः 02/स्थापना/ 2023)
- चपरासी के पद के लिए स्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची साक्षात्कार के तिथि के साथ (विज्ञापन संख्याः 02/ स्थापना /2023)
- सफाईकर्मी के पद के लिए स्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची साक्षात्कार के तिथि के साथ (विज्ञापन संख्याः 02/ स्थापना/ 2023)
- फरास के पद के लिए स्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची साक्षात्कार के तिथि के साथ (विज्ञापन संख्याः 02/ स्थापना/ 2023)
- Result of Screening Test (First stage) for the post of Cook of the High Court of Jharkhand.
- Schedule of Final Cooking Test for Advt. No. 02/stha/2023
- Link to apply Online Application form for the post of District Judge from the Bar (Advt. No. 01/2024/Apptt.).
- Notice for recruitment of District Judges..
- Advertisement No. 01/2024/Apptt. for recruitment of District Judges..
- Result of Limited Competitive Examination (Written Test) Held on 27.07.2024 for Promotion to the Post of District Judge.
- Final result for engagement of Law Researcher in the High Court of Jharkhand Vide Advt. No. 04 /Accts. / 2024
- झारखण्ड उच्च न्यायालय में रसोईया के पद पर नियुक्ति हेतु (विज्ञापन संख्या 02/स्थापना/2023) स्क्रीनिंग टेस्ट के लिए अनुदेश
- Information regarding Advt. No. 02/Stha./2023
- LIst of rejected application forms for Advt No. 02/Stha./2023
- Link for downloading Admit cards for Advt. no. 03/Admn. Misc./ 2024
- Notice regarding recruitment of Typists for Civil Court vide Advt. no. 03/Admn. Misc./2024
- List of rejected application forms for Advt. no. 03/Admn. Misc./2024
- Final result for recruitment of Generator Operator of the High Court of Jharkhand vide Advt. no. 03/Stha./2018
- Notice regarding rescheduling of Interview for engagement of Law Researchers/ Research Associates in the High Court of Jharkhand vide advt. no. 04/Accts./2024
- Information regarding Advt. No. 01/Accts./2024.
- Information regarding Advt. No. 03/Admn. Misc./2024.
- Information regarding Advt. No. 05/Admn. Misc./2024.
- Link for downloading admit card of English Stenography Skill Test for the recruitment of English Stenographers for Civil Courts of the State of Jharkhand and for the Judicial Academy Jharkhand, Ranchi vide advt. no. 02/Admin. Misc./2024
- Notice related to engagement of Law Researchers /Research Associates in the High Court of Jharkhand on contract basis vide advt. no. 04/Accts./2024
- Notice related to English Stenography Skill Test for the recruitment of English Stenographers for Civil Courts of the State of Jharkhand and for the Judicial Academy Jharkhand, Ranchi vide advt. no. 02/Admin. Misc./2024
- Notice regarding recruitment to the post of Generator Operator of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi vide Advt. no. 03/Stha./2018
- List of candidates shortlisted for Generator Operating Test for recruitment to the post of Generator Operator of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi vide Advt. no. 03/Stha./2018
- List of rejected application forms, with reason for rejection, for recruitment to the post of Generator Operator of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi vide Advt. no. 03/Stha./2018
- Final Result to the post of Peon of this Court Vide Advt. No 03/stha/2018.
- Information regarding engagement of Law Researchers/ Research Associates on contractual basis in the High Court of Jharkhand.
- List of the candidates who have been selected for engagement as Panel Translators on contractual basis in the High Court of Jharkhand.
- Link for Applying online application form to the post of assistant / clerk for Civil Court of the state of Jharkhand (Adv. No. 05/Admn. Misc./2024)
- Advertisement & Other details of Recruitment to the post of Assistant / Clerk for Civil Courts of the State of Jharkhand vide Advt. No. 05/Admn. Misc./2024
- Information regarding selection of translators on contractual basis for the purpose of creation of a panel of Translators.
- Link to apply Online Application form for Advertisement No. 02/Admn. Misc./ 2024.
- Link to apply Online Application form for Advertisement No. 03/Admn. Misc./ 2024.
- Corrigendum in respect of advt. no. 01/Accts../2024.
- Corrigendum in respect of advt. no. 02/Admin. Misc./2024 & 03/Admin. Misc./2024 .
- Link for downloading call letter for Personality Test / Viva-voce for recruitment of Personal Assistant vide Advt. No. 01/Recruitment Cell/2023.
- Information regarding Personality Test/ Viva-voce for recruitment of Personal Assistant of this Court vide Advt. No. 01/Recruitment Cell/2023.
- Advertisement No. 03/Admn. Misc./ 2024 and process of recruitment for direct recruitment of Typist/Copyist, Court Reader-cum-Deposition Writer and Deposition Typist for the Civil Courts of the State of Jharkhand
- Advertisement No. 02/Admn. Misc./ 2024 and process of recruitment for direct recruitment of English Stenographers in the Civil Courts of State of Jharkhand and in Judicial Academy Jharkhand.
- LInk for applying Online Application for the post of Assistant for High Court of Jharkhand, Vide advt. no, . 01/Accts./2024
- Notice regarding direct recruitment of Assistants in the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Advt. No. 01/Accts./2024 regarding direct recruitment of Assistants in the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- Application for engagement of retired Judicial Officials, Retired translators and learned advocates as a panel translator.
- झारखंड उच्च न्यायालय, रांची में चपरासी के पद पर भर्ती के संबंध में सूचना, विज्ञापन संख्या 03/Stha./2018
- चपरासी के पद पर भर्ती हेतु कारणों सहित अस्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची, विज्ञापन संख्या 03/Stha./2018
- चपरासी के पद पर भर्ती के लिए स्वीकृत आवेदनों की सूची, रोल नंबर और साक्षात्कार की तारीख सहित, विज्ञापन संख्या 03/Stha./2018
- Link for downloading Admit Card for the post of Personal Assistant in the High Court of jharkhand, Ranchi Vide Advt. No. 01/Recruitment cell/ 2023
- List of rejected applications with reasons/grounds of rejection regarding recruitment to the Post of Personal Assistant of this Court Vide Advt. No. 01/Recruitment cell/ 2023.
- Information regarding Process for Recruitment test for the Post of Personal Assistant of this Court Vide Advt. No. 01/Recruitment Cell/ 2023.
- Notice regarding recruitment to the post of Personal Assistants of this Court vide Advt. No 01/Recruitment Cell/2023.
- Notice regarding recruitment of Class IV Posts in the High Court of Jharkhand
- Application for engagement as Personal Assistant in the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi on contractual basis.
- Link for applying online application for the post of Personal Assistant for the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Advertisement for the post of Personal Assistant for the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Result of Main Examination for the Post of District Judge (Adv. No. 01/2022/Apptt.)
- Notice regarding date of examination on 04.09.2022 for the post of District Judge (advt. no. 01/2022/Apptt.)
- Final result for the post of Law Researcher/ Research Associate under Advt. No. 01/Accts./2021.
- List of 03 more shortlisted applicants and a notice regarding dates, time and venue of the interview for engagement of Law Researchers/Research Associates on contractual basis in this court under Advt. No. 01/Accts./2021
- Final result for the post of Assistant Librarian, Cashier, Translator, Jr. Translator and Typist of the Court under Advt. No. 04/Accts./2018.
- List of shortlisted applicants and a notice regarding dates, time and venue of the interview for engagement of Law Researchers/Research Associates on contractual basis in this court under Advt. No. 01/Accts./2021
- Notice regarding Typing Skill Test for recruitment to the post of Typists and Personality Test/ Viva-Voce for recruitment to the post of Assistant Librarian, Translator, Jr. Translator and Cashier of this Court Vide Advt. No.: 04/Accts/2018.
- Advertisement No. 01/2022/Apptt. dated 24th March, 2022
- Advertisement, Format of application and Scheme for engagement of Law Researchers/ Research Associates on contractual basis in the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- Information regarding postponement of Personality test/Viva-voce of Assistant Librarian,Cashier,Translator & Jr. Translator scheduled to be held on 29.03.2020, under Advt. No. 04/ Accts. /2018
- Information regarding postponement of Typing Skill test scheduled to be held on 28.03.2020, under Advt. No. 04/ Accts. /2018
- List of candidates called for Personality Test/ Viva-Voce for recruitment to the post of Assistant Librarian, Translator, Jr. Translator and Cashier & Typing Test for the post of Typists of this Court Vide Advt. No.: 04/Accts/2018.
- List of successful candidates for the Post of Assistant of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi against Advt. No.: 04/Accts/2018.
- List of candidates called for Computer Skill Test & Personality Test/ Viva-Voce for recruitment to the Post of Assistant Vide Advt. No.: 04/Accts/2018.
- List of successful candidates for being engaged as Law Researchers/ Research Associates on contractual basis in High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi against Advt. No.: 01/Accts/2019 in order of merit
- Date, Time, Vanue & List of shortlisted applicants found eligible for being called for the interview for engagement as Law Researcher/ Research Associates on Contractual basis in the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi under Advt. No. 01/Accts./2019.
- Marks of candidates who have been shortlisted for interview against the Advertisement No. 01/2017/Apptt. -District Judge.
- Notice for the written test for the post of Assistant Librarian, Cashier, Translator, Jr. Translator, Typists & Assistants of this Court under Advt No. 04/Accts./2018.
- List of successful & waitlisted candidates for the Post of Driver of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi vide Advt. No.: 03/Sthapna/2018.
- Final result for the Post of English Stenographer for Civil Courts of the State of Jharkhand vide Advt. No. 01/Admn. Misc./2018 .
- Final result for the Post of Legal Assistant of this Court under Advt. No. 02/Accts./2018.
- List of Successful Candidates for the Post of District Judge.
- List of successful & waitlisted candidates for the post of cook of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi vide Advt. No. 03/Sthapna/2018 in order of merit.
- Notice regarding engagement of 25 Law Researchers/ Research Associates on contractual basis in this Court.
- Advertisement regarding engagement of 25 Law Researchers/ Research Associates on contractual basis in this Court.
- Call letter for Personality test/Viva voce for the post of Legal Assistant of this Court Advt. No. 02/Accts./2018.
- Call letter for Personality test/Viva voce for the post of English Stenographer for Civil Courts and Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand vide Advt. No. 01/Admn.Misc./2018.
- List of successful candidates of the Stenography Test for the post of English Stenographers for the Civil Courts and Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand who are eligible for the Personality Test/ Viva voce scheduled to be held on 30th March, 2019 in the premises of the Hon'ble High Court of Jharkhand from 10:00 A.M. onwards.
- List of candidates declared ‘Qualified’ in the Written Test for the post of Legal Assistant.
- List of the Successful candidates of the Mains Examination for the post of District Judge in Jharkhand Superior Judicial Service held on 04th November, 2018.
- Notice regarding Cooking/Catering Test to be held from 29.01.19 to 14.02.19 for the post of Cook of High Court of Jharkhand vide Advt. No. 03/Sthapna/2018.
- List of Shortlisted Applicants found eligible for appearing in the Stenography test for the Post of English Stenographer for Civil Courts & Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand vide Advt. No. 01/Admn.Misc/2018 and List of ineligible applicants.
- List of Shortlisted Applicants found eligible for appearing in the written test for the Post of Legal Assistant vide Advt. No. 02/Accts./2018 and List of ineligible applicants.
- Notice regarding Driving Skill Test for the post of Driver vide Advt. No. 03/Sthapna/2018 with shortlisted and non shortlisted candidates for the skill test.
- Click here to Apply for the Recruitment of Civil Judge (Junior Division) Regular , Advt. No. 12/2018
- Notice regarding Advt. No. 01/Admn. Misc./2018 for the post of English Stenographer for Civil Courts and Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand.
- Notice regarding written test for the post of Legal Assistant of this Court under Advt. No. 02/Accts./2018.
- Find result for the post of Personal Assistant of this Court under Advt. No. 01/Accts./2018 .
- Result of the Stenography Test for the post of Personal Assistant of the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi vide Advt. No. 01 / Accts. / 2018.
- Notice regarding Mains Examination for the Post of District Judges (Advt. No. 01/2017/Apptt.)
- Detailed Advt. No. 04/Accts./2018 for recruitment to the Post of Assistant, Assistant Librarian, Cashier, Translator, Jr. Translator and Typist in the High Court Of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Format of online application, Scheme of Examination, syllabus and other details.
- Notice regarding Advt. No. 02/ Accts./ 2018 for the Post of Legal Assistant in the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- Detailed Advertisement (Advt. No. 02/ Accts./ 2018), Format of online application form & Scheme of Examination for the Post of Legal Assistant in the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- List of Shortlisted and Rejected Applicants, Notice regarding Caste Certificate and online Admit Card for appearing in the Stenography test for the Post of Personal Assistant of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi vide Adv. No. 01/Accts./2018.
- General Notice regarding Adv. No. 01/Accts./2018 for the Post of Personal Assistant of High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- In supersession of this Court's earlier Notification No. 124/A dated 03rd July, 2018, regarding vacancy position of the Civil Judge(Junior Division) cadre of Jharkhand Judicial Service.
- Applications are invited for the different posts of class IV staff for the High Court of Jharkhand.
- Adv. No. 01/Accts./2018 and format of online application for the Post of Personal Assistant of the High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Adv. No. 01/Admn.Misc./2018 and format of online application for the Post of English Stenographers for Civil Courts and Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand
- Online applications are invited for Personal Assistants for High Court of Jharkhand & English Stenographers for Civil Courts & Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand
- Download Admit Card for the Recruitment of District Judges (Advertisement No.- 01/2017/Apptt.)
- The Preliminary Test for the post of District Judge in Jharkhand Superior Judicial Service (Ref:- Adv No. 01/2017/Apptt.).
- Application for the post of Court Manager in the Civil Courts, East Singhbhum at Jamshedpur, Hazaribagh & Palamau at Daltonganj.(Advertisement No.- 02/2017/Apptt.)
- RECRUITMENT OF DISTRICT JUDGES (Advertisement No.- 01/2017/Apptt.)
- Civil Judge (Junior Division) Main Exam Result (Adv. No. 10/2015)
- Notice related to Advt. No. 01/Accts./2016
- Final result for the post of Assistants for High Court of Jharkhand, Judicial Academy, Jharkhand, Ranchi and Assistant/Clerk of Civil Courts and Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand against Advt. No.-01/Accts./2016.
- Notice for final Result for the Post of Deposition Typist (Hindi) vide Advt. No. 01 & 02/Admn. Misc, 2016
- Notice relating to Advertisement Nos. 01/Admn. Misc./2016 & 02/Admn. Misc./2016 for the Post of Deposition Typists.
- Result for the Post of Assistant for the High Court, Assistant for the Judicial Academy Jharkhand, Assistant/Clerk for the Civil Court/Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand corresponding to advertisement no. 01/Accts./2016.